Qatar water tank cleaning and sterilization application
Water tanks are bacteria cultivation facilities.
The World Water Quality Association announced that even if water is supplied to a building's water tank after going through a normal sterilization process due to the natural law that stagnant water will inevitably rot, the bacterial growth inside the water tank increases by up to 200 times.
To prevent corrosion of water tanks, water tanks using materials such as FRP plastic are used, but due to their nature, if they are not cleaned regularly, algae will grow on the inner walls, and mold and bacteria will parasitize the algae again, which can cause secondary and tertiary tap water contamination.
Up until now, each country has mainly used the method of adding chlorine to clean water tanks. However, chlorine generates class 1 carcinogens such as trihalomethane, and the use of chlorine is strictly prohibited in the United States and other advanced countries. Instead, they require the use of pure chlorine dioxide, which has no residual substances and has a sterilizing power 2.5 times higher than chlorine.
Chlorine dioxide is approved for use in drinking water by most developed countries, including the WHO, FDA, the U.S. Department of Defense, the European Waterworks Association, the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and the Ministry of Environment, and each country is
gradually transitioning to it. /
1833-7786 / 1551-0135