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게시물이 존재할 경우 아래에 최신순 4건이 배열됩니다
- Revolutionary highly functional food freshness maintainer-GREEN FROG !! A complete solution to keep fresh food delivery or storage fresh & safe!식품, 채소, 과일 등의 택배와 보관시 완벽하게 살균하는 선도유지 보존제 We do not want your Food Spoilage ● Excellent effect on sterilization, disinfection and deodorization● It is an environmentally friendly safe material that is easily decomposed by light and does not produce by- products.● Excellent sterilizing power against pathogenic germs such as vi.. 더보기
- 고기능 식재료 선도유지제 [청개구리 GREENFROG] 출시 안내 A complete solution to keep fresh food delivery or storage fresh & safe!식품, 채소, 과일 등의 택배와 보관시 완벽하게 살균하는 선도유지 물질보존제 ● 살균, 소독, 탈취에 탁월한 효과 ● 빛에 의해 쉽게 분해되며 부산물의 생성이 없는 환경 친화적 안전물질임 ● 바이러스, 세균 등 병원성 세균에 대한 살균력 탁월 (전염병 예방 및 차단 효과 매우 높음) ● 철, 망간, 시안, 페놀 등 중금속 유해물질 제거 ● 음용수, 식품류, 기기류 등에 다양하게 활용할 수 있음 (미국 FDA, 식품첨가물 승인) ● 악취 근원적 제거 ● 염소계 소독제(락스, 클로로칼키 등)나 오존과 달리 발암물질 생성되지 않음 ● 생선, 과일, 채소류의 식.. 더보기
- Qatar water tank cleaning and sterilization application Qatar water tank cleaning and sterilization applicationWater tanks are bacteria cultivation facilities.The World Water Quality Association announced that even if water is supplied to a building's water tank after going through a normal sterilization process due to the natural law that stagnant water will inevitably rot, the bacterial growth inside the water tank increases by up to 200 times.To p.. 더보기
- [방글라데시] VIRUSZERO 워터를 10개월간 먹인 소와 염소. [Bangladesh] Cows and goats fed with VIRUSZERO water for 10 months. We slaughtered cows and goats for 2023 Eid Mubarak and shared them with all our family and friends (see photo). However, for the past 10 months, VIRUSZERO water has been continuously fed to slaughtered livestock. Of course, no antibiotics or medicines were used. So far, there has been no disease and the quality of the meat is top-notch. Also low-fat, spongy, completely odorless. Korea fertilizer.. 더보기